RRT Hand Launcher – makes your dog training more exciting
This handheld dummy launcher was invented by American Retriev-R Trainer back in 1965, and since then it has become world famous and the most popular on the market.
The dummy launcher combines the sound of a firearm with a dummy thrown. Therefore, your dog training will be very close to a realistic hunting situation.
With its unique design, the RRT Launcher can be operated with one hand. It is a great advantage when you train puppies or young dogs, since you have the other hand free to guide the dog.
Made of high quality aluminum, so rust and corrosion do not damage the device.
The burner pins are made of stainless steel and have a brass set that prevents dirt build-up in the handle.
2 year warranty.
Caliber 22.
Since 1965, professional and enthusiastic dog owners throughout the world have used training equipment from American Retriev-R-Trainer.
All equipment is designed and manufactured in the United States.