Layout Blinds

A layout blind from Rig’Em Right, Avery, Ameripstep and Beavertail provides brand new dimensions for your goose hunt.

You will be able to place yourself in the middle of the field between the decoys and experience the hunting scene at the closest level when the birds fly in to land.

The Rig’Em Right Low Rider Layout Blind is full of cool details and features. It is not without reason that Rig’Em Right is the industry’s most innovative producer of waterfowl gear.

When Avery introduced the Finisher and Power Hunter blind, goose hunting was lifted to completely new heights. Instead of sitting hidden in a ditch, many goose hunters now prefer to lie in the middle of the ground between the decoys.

We also have the unique Big Gunner blind with “catapult” seat, so hunters with bad back and stomach muscles can also quickly get up to shots from the lying position.