Successfull Retrieve Training with Your Dog
Retrieve training is a fun and interactive game for your dog.
It is also important for your dog’s physical and psychological well-being. Not only is your dog physically involved in the activity but the natural instincts like prey-drive, are also being fulfilled.
This Retrieval Training Package includes 3 high quality products from American Avery Sporting Dog:
- Avery Hexa Bumper with the special V-grips design that eliminates many of the disadvantages of traditional round bumpers. Easy for the dog to grip and hold
- 9 meters Floating Check Cord with a solid brass snap hook (orange for high visibility)
- Trainer’s Lead that allows you to have control with the ability to release the dog quickly on command.
Remember to reward your dog with a nice treat – it will convince the dog that retrieving the dummy is like winning the doggy lottery.